Saturday, September 5, 2009

Our Little Soccer Girl!

Mackenzie has asked to play soccer for quite some time now. Funny part is that I really don't think she knew anything at all about soccer! That said, David happily signed her up as she is now old enough for local leagues. The two of them picked out soccer gear (in pink!) for her. She was sooo excited! She talked about her first practice for 3 whole days before it actually occurred. These pictures were taken the first day of practice.
My soccer cutie all decked out!

She was so excited that she wanted to wear her uniform to practice the first day, so she did!

Even her shoes have pink on them! (And, of course, we had to pick #24 for her jersey!) ;)

Here she is at the first practice with her teammates. She had just kicked the ball and still has her foot in the air.

She is just about to kick the ball in this picture.

I took these pictures today, two practices later, at the first game. I thought the pic of the pregame huddle was cute! You can see Mackenzie's profile on the far right, as Coach Chris talks to the team.

Here she is after the game, totally worn out and hot.
When I asked her, today, if soccer is all she had hoped it would be, she shook her head no. When I asked her what about it surprised her, she said, "Well, you just run after the ball. All you do is run. I'm worn out!" That cracked me up. We decided we'd finish out this season (only 2 months total) and then let her decide whether or not she wants to play in the future. Just from watching her on the field, I'm guessing this is our first and last soccer season for Mackenzie! He, he. I do think she makes a cute soccer player, even if the sport's not for her. :) I'm proud of her for trying something new. (Speaking of which, she's also taking violin lessons at school!)


Cindy said...

How cute is that? All the pink gear cracks me up! Sam has 2 girls on his t-ball team, and one of them has all pink gear, too. So funny! Maybe Mackenzie will start enjoying it more as the season progresses. :)

Sara said...

How funny that M is taking violin lessons--this is the one instrument Laura has asked to play??? Have they been talking?? How is she doing with that by the way? I didn't know if 5 was too young to start a musical instrument.

She is definitely a cute soccer girl! Laura doesn't like to get hot and sweaty, so I doubt soccer or tball will be in our future!!

Holly Aytes said...

Taylor felt like that after trying cross wasn't for her as she didn't like getting hot either. But she too stuck it out and participated in every meet. I think that says alot so yeah for Mackenzie for sticking with it :) Mackenzie is a cutie in all that pink!

Cindy said...

Those pictures are priceless. I love the poses with her foot on the ball. Too cute! I also love the one after the game. Hope the games get better for her as the season goes along.

Ginger said...

Even if she doesn't like getting all hot and sweaty, at least she looks cute! And good for her for trying it out. Ryan is playing soccer, but we have only had one practice. So far, so good.

Kim said...

She looks adorable in her uniform!