Yeah, I know it's not really "Thanksgiving" time just yet...but my heart is overflowing with thanksgiving and praises this week, and I want to record a few thoughts. The most glaring thing that I am thankful for this week is my health. This may sound funny as I cannot even lift my children yet, but I am incredibly thankful for my health. I know that I am continuing to recover from the emergency appendectomy a little more each day. I am thankful to be alive. I realize the appendicitis could have ended so very differently, either in rupturing and not being identified in time for treatment, or in unplanned surgical complications. It is totally possible that I would not be here, able to type this post at all. I am thankful.
I am thankful to be able to hug my two precious children. I am thankful to be able to hear their excitement as they tell me all about school. I am thankful to be able to "breathe them in," so-to-speak. I am thankful to be able to watch my children learn and grow.
I am thankful that the kids are enjoying school. I am relieved that they made the transition to Kindergarten and Mother's Day Out so beautifully. I realize that many children struggle and cry during those kinds of transitions. I'm so thankful that mine marched right on and are embracing the new opportunities before them each day. Josiah could not wait to get to school. He is so excited and loves it. Mackenzie does, too. They are both blessed with wonderful teachers. Josiah announced proudly on Tuesday, "Mom, Mrs. Missi taught me the days of the week! And we learned about the letter A." I have loved hearing his thoughts about school. And, Mackenzie loves Mrs. Haluska and school, too. I am thankful.
I am thankful for my precious most wonderful husband, David. He is a blessing beyond words. He has stepped right up anytime I cannot (like during and after the surgery) to tend the children and take care of our family. He goes willing to work each day to provide for us. He comes home and jumps right in to our busy activities, excited to be with us. He helps around the house far more than his fair share as I am not healed enough to do my usual chores. He is a source of encouragement, love, stability, and friendship for me. I cannot imagine life without him. I am so very thankful for him.
I am thankful for friends who have also stepped right in and helped out when our family needed so much more help than usual! I am thankful for the extra help with the kids that friends (Cindy and Tina) provided. I am thankful for the meals that friends (Cindy, Sara, and Geri) so generously provided. I am thankful for all the other friends who have continued to offer help anytime it is needed. I am thankful for all the emails and facebook messages from friends. I am thankful for friendship.
I am so incredibly thankful for a Lord and Saviour who loves and cares for us. I am thankful for a God who we can talk to and trust. I am thankful for a God who provides and heals. I am thankful for a God who orchestrates my world and who knows my needs even before I know them myself. I am thankful for His Sovereignty. I am thankful for His blessings. I pray that I can do my best to live each day for Him. I pray that I use the opportunities that come my way, and that I will hear His voice when He speaks.
The list could continue on and on, but those were the burning things on my heart this week.
Journaling 12/8/24
1 month ago
If blogger had a "like" button, I'd totally push it for this one. Thanks for the reminder to all of us to be thankful for our blessings.
Beautifully written, April. We are all so blessed and should celebrate with "Thanksgiving" daily!
That was beautifully written, April. Don't you just love those moments or times of overflow? Let me know if you're still in need of anything. Love you!
Glad you are on the mend & kids are adjusting well to school. I've been meaning to call you, but haven't had many child-free moments to spend talking. Boo on that! Miss ya!
Love those moments of overwhelming Thanksgiving! Glad you're feeling better and sending prayers for your continued recovery!
I'm glad you are feeling so much better. Thanks for sharing your heart of thanksgiving with us. You have been through quite an ordeal with your surgery happening right at the time you sent Mackenzie off to Kindergarten and Josiah to preschool.....and through it all you are counting your blessings!! What an inspiration.
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