Friday, August 29, 2008

Our Week

"Back-Pack, Back-Pack," for you Dora the Explorer fans out there, that tune will ring a bell! David and the kids found these at the mall. Being the huge Dora and Diego fans that they are, David and the kids couldn't resist!
Mackenzie and Josiah proudly wore their new backpacks around the mall the rest of the evening!
Laundry, anyone?
Silly, Girl!
Messy, Boy!
(Now you see why we only use finger paints just before bath time at our house! Perhaps it should be called "body paint" instead of finger paint. Ha.)

The kids and I spent the morning at the zoo while David was at work. Sure made the day go by fast and it was fun, too!
A fun week, and a fun weekend ahead! (Umm, I don't really know what we're doing this weekend, but I'm sure it will be a good one since it is a three day weekend for David!)
Have a blessed Labor Day Weekend, Everyone!!!


Kim said...

These are great. I just love your little family!
Have a great weekend-I'm so excited for the extra day!

Sara said...

Yall do get messy with finger paints. Laura is too much of a little princess to get that messy! HA!

Have a fun weekend together!