Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snowy Day

At bedtime last night the kids piled into Josiah's bed together. They were so cute that I had to grab the camera! (Actually, they both requested that I grab the camera, which I thought was funny!) So, here's the pictures of the two kids together in his room.
We ended up putting them in their separate beds as I'm sure they'll sleep better that way!

We woke up this morning to a winter wonderland. How gorgeous! Mackenzie enjoyed the icicles, and I thought it was a cool picture with the icicles at the top.

This week at school, Mackenzie's class made pine cone bird feeders. Today was the perfect day to hang hers in the backyard for the birds to enjoy.

Mackenzie did a great job scattering the extra bird seed all over the snowy ground. I'm sure the birds will be appreciative. ;)

This snow is an icy one, which is perfect for sledding! We all four enjoyed sledding, but I did not take any pictures of it. I was too busy enjoying it, myself! Anyways, along with the icy snow came lots of icicles.

Josiah inspecting the icicles hanging from the swing set.

Up close of Josiah.

Watch out! He's ready with a snow ball!

He just struck a pose by the fence...too cute! :)

Mackenzie swinging in the snow.

My two cutie pies.
David and me.

Josiah and Mackenzie helped David build a huge snowman. I haven't taken the pictures yet because they are not quite finished. It is so cold that we came inside for a break and for lunch and have not made it back out yet! :)
Hope you are all enjoying the snow, too. It was nice to have school canceled on Friday, so we even get a 3 day weekend!


Cindy said...

You got some great pictures, once again! We were far less into the snow over here. Will & I were homebodies today, although Michael and Sam spent a good while out in it. Glad you're enjoying it!

Sara said...

We got some decent snow here as well. Jim and Laura are the ones who enjoy the snow! Grant just shakes his hand "no" when asked if he wants to play in the "no" as he calls it! Cute pictures!

Cindy said...

I love Josiah's snowflake bedding! I love that they were in bed together. How sweet! We've tried the past couple of weeks to let the girls sleep together on Friday night, but so far they haven't gone to sleep together yet! Allison is too excited to be with Lauren and Lauren is so tired when she gets in bed, she wants to go right to sleep. Maybe one day they might actually go to sleep together.
You really did get some wonderful pictures. Looks like a fun day.

Holly Aytes said...

We too enjoyed having the 3 day week. We really enjoyed this snow b/c of the great sledding it produced! We have the same sheets as Josiah...they are my favorite!

Jared & Karen said...

How fun! The kids sure like they were enjoying the snow. Some of those pictures are really good!